11am on Sunday mornings for a lively and encouraging time of worship
We are a welcoming, supportive, celebratory local church,
seeking to love God, each other & Brixton.
If you would like to find out more about the church, please email: office@stpaulsbrixton.org

Panel 2

Our Vision and Values

“Our Vision is that St. Paul’s Brixton will be a healthy growing community church and we will do this through…”

Stpaulsbrixton loving godLoving God

In vibrant worship that energizes faith
By using our gifts every day
By praying together and praying with other churches

stpaulsbrixton loving each otherLoving Each Other

In supportive community groups where we grow together
By forgiving and saying sorry
By having fun together

Street Pastors Love BrixtonLoving Brixton

In partnership with other churches
By being a green church
By feeding the hungry
By addressing the causes of hunger
By connecting people to Jesus the bread of life

  Our Values

In all that we do at St Pauls Brixton, we seek to be:
Welcoming, Supportive, Local, Celebratory and Christ Centred.

Vision and Values Circle

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